Thursday, March 31, 2011

This is Where the Fun Begins

I'm sure all you Star Wars fans remember that line from the opening battle over Coruscant in Revenge of the Sith.  Definitely one of the best moments in the saga even if you aren't a fan of the prequels.  It's only fitting that I start my first blog post off with such a perfect quote.  Don't you think your life, year, month, day, even hour should start off with some fun?  I know that I do.

Anyways, I decided to start this blog for one reason and one reason only.  Life is short and you should enjoy every minute of it.  And you know what?  Why shouldn't we share that bit of fun with everyone that we know?  Hell, this is the internet.  Just accept the fact, it's going to be everyone.  To be more specific, if your a fan of Star Wars, science fiction, or just pop culture in general, you will get something out of this blog. 

Make sure to subscribe to my RSS feed to get your daily or weekly ramblings of a fan that does not take himself too seriously.  Here's something to look forward to tomorrow.  I will be covering the annual Star Wars Weekends in Disney World, giving advice on how to get the most out of your time at the event.

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